Thursday, May 16, 2013

#11 Diary (16 May 2013)

How's goin'? :3 lol #pdpstyle
Okay,today,i will tell you about yesterday experience. Yesterday,i was playing with My 2 bestfriends (Intan,and Saskia).We went to school and played there.I arrived at 10.40 AM. And,Saskia arrived at i waited her for so long-_-and afterthat,Intan arrived^^~She arrived at 11:20.And,then we (Intan and I) scared to go in to the school. Because,we should wear a uniform to school! (Dude,i'm in holiday after school-_-). And,Saskia? She wore uniform xD but after we went in,it's okay. We met teacher. And,they didn't mad at us.When we played there,We were happy. We were playing notebook. And, we were karaoke,took some pict there. But,Intan went home at 12 PM. ; _ ; Because yesterday was Intan's Mom Birthday :33 At 12 PM,Saskia,and Me accompanied Intan to the Copy Machine Shop to buy a magazine. And Intan went to her home ; _ ;

And then,Saskia and I,went to Seven Eleven to buy some food. I bought a JOLLY TIME popcorn and A bottle of tea :9 and Saskia bought a donut and Slurpee. And then,we went to school(again-_-v) Suddenly,it was rain! We found some place and chitchat there while it was raining. And after that,we took some picture and we were like FAHKIN' crazy people or somethin like that-_-"because The Student was saw us when we took some pict ;_; lol-_- and then,we met our beloved teachers :33 lol and then.. Mrs. Yayah said that i should take my mail to my parents. And after that,i got it! And,i saw my Report Score. My average was 74% what dafuq?! I felt sad,dissapointed,and drowning at the same time-_-that was the fahkin' worst score ever ;_; okay don't worry! Some score were missing and not averaged yet xD lol and then..i was goin' to the male teacher room. ANd,i wanna see Saskia's score too. And then,she didn't want to. And then,idk why i was angry. And then,i left Saskia-_-v lol Wierd~

And about Salvia.. Yesh.. we played together too~ she played The Sims and i helped her to type some words to THE FAHKIN' WORST CRAZIEST WIERDEST PERSON ever-_- The person was making me drive crazily! I felt like..i wanna kick his butt! >;o

Okay..That's all :33 lol thx for readdiinnn"~

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

#11 Diary (May 15 2013)

Hey :33 We meet againn~
Can we begin the story? ;3 lol
Okayy~ Once upon a time,i was playing ourworld. and then,i met my friend named Kujikurama(his id). But,i heard that he ever hated me because i'm too fussy or something (Kevin said that to me at 2012 year) i haven't met him(kuji) for 8 Months. I said 'hi' to him.And then,he forgot who i am-_- and then,the feeling came to me that Kuji was not comfortable with me. And then,i'm off.. And,i will come back to ourWorld again at June. And,i hope i never meet him again.....

And about me and Salvia,We was playing Douchebag Workout 2! Not Douchebag 'Sissy' Chick anymore >;o lol Not bad and so far so good~ and BETTER than that sissy game >:o #somean-_-v lol

And,i tried to know about my self based my born day and year and i got THE INTELEGENT! Dafuq? How could it be! ; _ ; But,my psychologist said,i'm good at intelegent-_- But..but..-_- Mommy!! ;_; #callmymomandcry actually,why was i crying?because,my MATH score always ugly-_-" lol actually Mario Teguh (A motivator) said "Your future not based on your school score" okay,that's make me believe everythin' :33 lol i was analysis mine based another resourches and THAT WAS TRUE! SAME :33 It said that 'You have an inherent penchant for the precision of mathematics and science' :33 lol--" 

Yesh.that's all. Thanks for reading! 

If you wanna play Douchebag Workout and know about your self based your bornday,and year visit:


About Your Self :

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

#10 Diary

Hey guys.. I will write my diary ;p can i can i can i?-_-v
Yesterday(14 May),was Mr.Bear Birthday..  He is my Ex.. Do you know the word that i wrote (The Shattered Memories and Turnin' Back) the word of 'You' means him? Just reminding ;p lol And i was thiking what would i type! I was afraid if it was wrong-_- and then i just type "Happy Birthday.. I hope you get an excellent exam score and you get into your favorite High School." and then he said "Yes.. Thank Youu! :D " yesh i was happy ;p lol not at all actually ;p hehee

And i played with Salvia :) and Play that DAMN Douchebag! xD and it was quite fun-_- but the girl was fahkin' like Sissy! -_- I hate her >:o because she was sooooooooooo..UGLY! Dx And,the best part was... When the girl said LOLLOLLOLOLLOLLOL! It was like.. THE RETARTED MONKEY LAUGH!! I just said,wdf did i just hear?-_- Ugh-_-

Yesh that's all byebye ;)

Monday, May 13, 2013

#9 Diary (13 May 2013)

Hello,Konnichiwa,Hola :D
Yesterday xD lol i was playing with Salvia,my bestie since i was Kindergarden. We were playing notebook(we are modern girls xD) and we played Douchebag Chick,Slender 2D,and Transylvania Girl. It was cool. For the Douchebag chick,we were LOL-ing,because it was funny,and when i see the girl,GODDAMN! In the Beautyway or Uglyway,she was FAHKIN' ugleeh! >:o and...the best part was,when we tanned the girl until maxed,she was like Fried Banana(maybe if you don't know,find PISANG GORENG at google for further info!) xD We laughed so hard! And when we fixed the lips until maxed,THE LIPS WERE LIKE FAHKIN' HELL! More Ugly! ; _ ; and For the Hair, and Br**** are okay-_-(until maxed) but,for the tummy until maxed,SHE WAS FREAKIN' THIN! Lol! That game trolled me so hard-_-" and if she is ugly,i should restart again-_-v hehe (Too Perfectsionism Girl)-,- And, transylvania girl.. we were curioused by the ending. And,yes..same-_- for Slender 2D,that's was freakin' surprising! I thought it was an ordinary game and not scary,because the visual is medium.. When the Slender showed up,We were surprised!-_- the Slender was freakin' surprising-,-

If you wanna play too,just visited this website below:

Douchebag Girl:
Slender 2D:
Transylvania Girl

Yes..and BYEE! <3 ;3

Sunday, May 12, 2013

#8 Diary

Hey guys. I'm back._.
Sorry i just back now,because i'm bored to write somethin'. Yesh,idk what i will write because..yesh,i'm bored(Wdf did i said?!)
Yesterday..(In Indonesia,today is May 13._.) I wasn't play CZ anymore._. because,it was fahkin' boring._. and,actually..i wanna fahkin' play THE SIMS 2,and 3! ; _ ; But,i can't play... Because,i have notebook. Not laptop.. And,i want play GTA again ; _ ; i miss it so bad ;_; and,about ourWorld,I'm gettin' bored._. maybe because, i already had the best childhood memories-_- Noo,not that! Because,my Indonesia friend wasn't playing ourWorld anymore.. They are bored of that game-- and so am i-_-

And,about Beto,Mr.Bear,and Deto,I missed Beto so bad.. I haven't met him for 1 week; _ ; and about Mr.Bear,I like him 35% not much.. Because,somethin' missing that i wasn't realize before.. And,Deto.. I will tell the story about him.. I was watchin' JKT 48 in Trans TV (Indonesia Channel) It was cool.. I know that.. And, after watchin' it,he said.. "If you were there,you are the most beautiful =D " And.. i just blushed.. And then,i said 'Thanks' And,we talked about Left 4 Dead 2,And Indonesia Got Talent (In Indonesia called,IMB),I  know he like me since we were 5th grade.. Because of that word,doesn't mean i like him..

Yesh.. That's all my experience.. And.. Byeebyee ;33

Monday, May 6, 2013

#7 Diary

Hey! I will tell you my experience at May 06 2013~

Yesh! I know the 05 May diary is skipped._. because i'm lazy to write that-_- #again

Today. I just playing ourWorld._. Nothin' change and for the CZ. Yesh just soso-_- nothin' impressive-_-


(sorry if it was too short) -_-v #peace

Saturday, May 4, 2013

#6 Diary

Hey there :) Today, i will tell you about my life on May,04 2013 :33
I was hangout with my 3 bestfriend. And,i went to Seven Eleven (don't say you don't fahkin' know #kiddin :33 )I went there because,we wanna celebrate my bestfriend bday,Saskia :D and unfortunately,Intan,my bestfriend tho,couldn't go there D; so only two of us.I just gave her a bag._. actually,i would to give her clothes-_-We chatted about The School Holiday,someone who cheated on the National Examination,Mr. Dry,and etc. I ate Big Bite and Drank slurpee :33 it was delicious :D 

And about ourWorld,nothin' change. Just Beto couldn't at my side :( He wasn't online..... So sad :(

And,bout CZ,that game made me mad,and goin' crazy! It was harder and harder every new level! Arrggh! F*** you,b**** #its18orup #czhastroll #dontsaythisman #notgoodforchild #matureedition #somuchhashtagdamn

Yesh that's all :) byebye :33

#5 Diary

I will tell you my experience at Friday,04 May 2013

Uhm.. I played CZ,like usual. And,i played until my head blowed! Damn! When i died,i was saying these word: S**t,fu**,etc-_- Lol! It's cool,right? :33 #nahforget-_-

And,i played ourWorld.. Nothin' change for the Mr.Mole market._. Expensive and not fair cost-_-v Damn you,ourWorld! >:O And,i met my love in ourWorld (because in real world is too mainstream-x-v ) his name is Beto from California :) I just think that.. Beto = Bear #unknown (someone who i love)+Deto(someone who love me) yesh thats life._.v

And that's all._. Byebye :33

Thursday, May 2, 2013

#4 Diary

Hello :) today,i will tel you about my life today,guys! Read it carefully,man :D
Today, i was playing ourWorld. But,idk why i felt i was damn bored! I can't find my indonesia friends (i miss them so bad until now :,o ) accept one,Ms. Scarlet ;) goddamn,i forgot her real name because my fahkin' long hibernation-_-#i'mabear :33 And,i started to play Meez,yes it was great. But,i just felt bored to play another game online(I got the best childhood memories,so i got bored-_-v #damn!whatiwasthinking?-_- )

And,did you know that,my mom forced me to watch Iron Man 3? I know you wanna watch that-_-v (not at all want) If you was me,you didn't want to. Because, i watched IM3 with all my classmate,but,my 2  goodfriend in my class didn't go.No one wanna talk to me,and i can't discuss the film with anyone. Do you know how i feel,right? :,c And,Fortunately,the event was yesterday at afternoon! i thought it was tomorrow! I was super happy c;

And,about games,i was bored to Online games. Sooo,i decieded to download Condition Zero! I love that game since i was a girl :33 And,it was success! Yesssh! :33 And, i would to download TS 2.. But,I need to wait 5 hours and extract for 2 hours maybe! If it failed,i will kick my computer! #nothat'stoomuch-_-v

Yeshh! That's all thanks for reading :33

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

#3 Diary

Hey.. Today.. I love you! Because,you are amazing #whatdidijustsay?0.0
Today,i will tell you my history today(do you think i'm a hero? Heck yes o.o) Today, i was back to OurWorld!(Virtual Chat Online#douthinkoffline-_-) If you wanna play,just go to: . See you there! Add me too :) (add me,or else.. #sarcasmtone #kidd ;D )Uhmm.. Actually,i was crying.. Because,i was nostalgic in my facebook.. I remember with my bestfriend who's hates me until now because of my biggest mistake. And ,i remembered my ex-bf who's i've ever play on (I've got Karma`_` Damn youu! >:,o ) I just want to fix it again. And,yes. I want build it start over-,_,- And,my bestfriend doesn't want to forgive me..

Fun Fact about me when crying because this problem :
-I cried for Half Hour #damnisthatimportant?o_o
-You can check for #2 TheWord: The Shattered Memories for further problem

That's all maybe.. Bye? :)

#2 The Word: The Shattered Memories

I will go back
To 2 years ago
When i was make
The Worst Mistake ever

I remembered i lose my 2 bestfriends
Who was in my side
And then,i lose them
Because of the worst mistake
I've ever make

I know,She's annoying
But it doesn't mean i didn't care about her

Yes I was care
But,in the different way

She thought i hate her
Forget her
But,i didn't
I just wanna know
My feeling to her

And about you
I don't wanna lose you
And,that's why
I accepted you
But,i played on you
I broke the rules
That i feel like the boss
Between Us
We were in relationship for 2 days
It was the shortest one
It was because of me

I feel like
The foolest girl
In this world
Because,i abadoned my bestfriend and my boyfriend
Abadoned my bestfriend's feeling
and his feeling

I want to fix
And,i try
But,my bestfriend never listen to me
And even..forgive me
She hates me forever

The Memories
I want fix it back
I want build it again
I dunno how
I know
Nothin' impossible
But,this one
It's impossible
'Till i die..

PS: I write this with my tears and my regretfull

Monday, April 29, 2013

#2 Diary

Well well well,look at you! #nothing-,-
Uhm..Today,i just bored-,- as usual. I dunno what'll write. But,today is my Bestie birthday #singi'msexyandiknowit. Nah,forget it u,u Her name is Saskia :) She is 15 years old now :) Hoe-ray! #RIPEnglish. Yeah,i pray for you,Skhey!

Did you know that yesterday,i watched The Hunger Games? Actually,it was fahkin' failed;_; because,i was slepping (I'm a sleepy bum,man-_-) But,good news and god blessing #damntoomuchword i can watch it later this afternoon at 13.10 PM in Fox Movies Premium #yololittleadv hell yeaa!!

Uhm.. What else... Oh yea,.. i dunno._. YOLO :33

Uhm.. That's all?-,- i know it's too short andddd... yes.. Bye? o.o

#1 The Word

Hey. I don't know what i will write now-,,- But just the word._. teehee #nigahigaversion
I wrote this word in my house(not in toilet o,o) and why? Because,i was broken heart.. Little bit ... The title is Turnin' Back uhmm. Sorry if this word is wierd (Otherwise,i felt this feeling)

I know it was past
I know I hurted it
I know you hide it
'Cause i feel it 

I remembered you crushed on me
I couldn't believe
I accepted it
But,i broke it

I didn't know about love
I felt stupid and idiot
Gave you a silly Question
And,i broke our love rules

I didn't have the feeling
On You
But, I did now
And,i feel what you felt
And,Try to hide it

When the stars are falls
I just want one wish
I want fix everything
About Us
I want Turnin' back
When the first time we met

I know it's impossible
But,i keep hopin'
God,gimme a chance
To forget everythin'
Shame on me
I won't repeat that again

PS: I'm still newbie. Goddamn,it's wierd

My Inspiration And My Idol~

Today, i will give you a photo of my inspiration and idol :3 #clapplease ;o

-Felix Kjellberg (PewDiePie)

Reza Rahadian

Maudy Ayunda

And, the last, Amanda Todd

For all those guys,
For me,You make me more talented,spirit,careful,happier,and stronger to survive and enjoy my life. Thank you guys ^^

Sunday, April 28, 2013

#1 Diary

Yes, you know. It's my second post and my first de-experience. YOLO,right?! 

Guess what? I've got holiday for two month after i got some exam from my school and my nation. But,too bad,i don't know what i must gonna do. Today._.
Ehemm..i still waiting for the exam result. And,waiting outside the line! Ohh #singing-,- Back to topic,eheem (think before typing #thinkfor3minuteandseerezarahadianphoto) and,i will watch The Hunger Games! Hell yeaa :33 Uhm..and i watch JKT48 Video Concert song called 
River.Damn! It's freakin' cool. I thought it just an ordinary Girlband! I love the song,and dancing part;_;

 And,That's all maybe? Bye? Love you? :X

Damn It's First

Can i introduce my self? I'm new actually._.

First of All,
I'm Ney. But,my friends called me Hanifah("Damn,so hard to say"-Some Of my friends said that -.-). I'm 15th years old (teen of course :3) Indonesia. I love playing games(i don't have any games these days-,-what should i play?)I love Reza Rahadian (My Boyfriend,kidding-,-) :33 he's damn freakin' cute :33 and Felix Kjellberg (YouTube Gamers) and my inspiration are Amanda Michelle Todd (The Strongest Girl to survive in this world.Rest In Peace:,o),and Maudy Ayunda(The Freakin' Genius and talented girl)

Second of All,
I want to tell all my dreams(grrh,that's why i created this damn blog).My dreams is qwertyuiop(not that,damn it-,,-). My dreams are:

-I can playing guitar
-Makes some songs(all about my experience)
-Be a Doctor :33
-I can Singing

And Last of All,
In this blog, i will tell all my experience from A to D (I don't have time sometimes to write all this)

And,that's all-,- Bye?o.ov